The Happiness Key

What is the key to happiness? A question presented to myself and others today. 

It was interesting to hear the responses. Family, relationships, health, loving what you do, life moments etc.

I came home and asked my children the question. My daughter, without skipping a beat, said simply “family”. I prompted her on it. She said to me family keeps you safe and happy. It does indeed.

My son replied with ‘meditation’. I asked him what does he know about meditation? He replied by saying ‘nothing, but that’s what he learnt in his religion class at school’. Fair enough!

What is the key to my happiness? I have spent years in anxiety and depression. Perhaps it sounds cynical to say the key to my happiness is my SSRI medication. 

And recently it is public speaking. Public speaking and poetry makes me happy. 

As well as hot tea, reading, writing and my cosy bed. The simple things in life. 

9 thoughts on “The Happiness Key

  1. Love all of your answers for happiness and your son’s answer made me laugh out loud. Mediation probably is an essential key to happiness, and funny that he knows it without really knowing it. 😉 Kids always say the loveliest things. They just always seem to know how to brighten up a dreary day. That’s where my happiness comes from. 🙂

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