Six Months 

It took me six months to overcome my ‘sugar-in-tea’ addiction. I had tried before, but I hated the taste of unsweetened tea. Several attempts of cutting the sugar failed. Until one day I went cold turkey. I just decided. I’m doing it. Quitting the sugar. I craved it. I pleaded with myself. Please can I have sugar in my tea? Please?? No. I really want sugar. No.

After six months, unsweetened tea and coffee tasted normal. That was sixteen years ago. Now I cannot drink sweetened tea or coffee. It makes me want to gag.

In December I went cold turkey. I will overcome my latest addiction. I have cried and whined and hated myself and been through the rough. I figure I have another three months to go. I feel stronger than I did in January. Mid-February. I am still not there yet. But stronger. The energies will change. Worlds will shift. 

I did such a great job of cutting ties that the choice is no longer mine. There is nothing I can run back to. Even if I beg and plead and stand on my head.

Acceptance is the big new word. 

Three more months.


Unhappy Girl Standing In The Middle Of A Forest

When your path is dimmed
And no light ahead
Look up, my friend, look up

When hope has fled
And love is dead
Look up, my friend, look up

When overwhelmed—
Need a stepping stone
Look up, my friend, look up

When friends have gone
And you are alone
Look up, my friend, look up

Lift your eyes to see your truth
Allow the way to clear

For it is only by taking steps
Will you overcome your fear