
Originally from Johannesburg, South Africa, I am now based in Sydney, Australia.

About me – I love writing poetry. It makes me happy. I even love reading poetry, it makes me happy too. I have since written a book. It is the passion of my heart.

During the day, I write code. It keeps me busy.

Please feel welcome to say hi 🙂

(And please check out my Kirkus Review Author Bio here)


Vonita presents The Light
(my first ever poem)

Kindly put to music and performed by Maria Panova.

When all around is dark
And all you know is night
Feel the hope within
And move towards the light

When sadness overwhelms
And you have lost your sight
A few gentle steps
Moving towards the light

When wounds begin to heal
We sense that near delight
Stirs our waking heart
Embracing inner light

When happiness is found
And all is calm and bright
Ever keep on reaching
Onwards towards the light

My book in PDF format can be obtained at the following link (thank you for supporting my writing!):

Passion Through Poetry

Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.

Professional Edition


551 thoughts on “Vonita

    1. I saw your comment on my blog, so then I went to yours, and I found your first poem deeply touching. I loved how it was put to music. Then I started looking at your other posts, and I am actually crying here at the computer, I feel such a connection. Thank you.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You wouldn’t believe how timely your comment has come my way. Just now I overcame a bout with my carnal nature because an altercation with my son. Again despair attempted my destruction but! when I said, “Father, You are my portion. In You I am complete. I no longer need any of my children to make me complete. I refuse to believe the evil accusations coming to my mind. Please help me Father. Show in some kind of way that You are for real. That what I write comes from You not from my imagination.”
        Immediately, my tears dried. His peace returned. I got up. Fixed my detox tea. Came to the computer. Checked emails. Then…I clicked the tab for my book blog …Ah! A comment! Let’s see…WOW!
        Indeed! Not a shadow of a doubt! Father is my portion for real! Let all hell come against Him living in my heart. Nothing & no one can dethrone Him! Hahaha! HalleluYah!
        His blessings to you my dear sister. Much love. thiaBasilia

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, but I must confess it is not me doing the singing, it is a relative by marriage! It is performed by Maria Panova, she put my first poem The Light to music, and sent it as a surprise! (I’ve stated it somewhere on the page, but maybe need to highlight it). Thank you for the wish, and for watching it ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi May, thanks for stopping by! Good to meet you. I used to do the Daily Prompt when I first started my blog, but now I only participate sometimes. Will pop over to yours now! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. This is amazing! You’re a professional! I’m so glad I found your blog! Now you’ll be my inspiration! My role model to write poems! Actually my poems probably need a little toning up! And your blog is all that I need for it!~! 😀 🙂
    -Sahana, Jazzlily

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I liked your about page and your creative poems – such a wonderful read, got little confused when I read about your Java exams which prompted me to read your about page. Lovely, keep posting and will listen to the song for sure and check your ebook

    Liked by 1 person

  3. hi vonita,
    i have seen that there is many similarities between ur blog n mine….like about picture chosing…theme colours..disaply of wordads etc….that indicates our thoughts resembles somewhere

    Liked by 1 person

  4. more over i just want to ask..did u ever try affiliate link apart from wordads?
    is it more effective than wordads in terms of earnings?
    so,should I go for affiliate link also apart from wordads?
    what u suggest

    Liked by 1 person

      1. just want to know how many months it took to reach a min of $100 mark?…or r u still waiting..it may touch 100 dollars…
        i just received my first earning..but its very little…so thats y i am curous to know the expereince of urs that how long it take to reach that min.mark

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I only started running wordads at end September and have received October amount. It was literally a few cents, less than a dollar. My impressions were only half of my visitor count (which was approx 5000 pm). At this rate I will never reach $100. Hope that helps!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. its again..we both have similarities…i too stared wordads in september & i got october payment which was as u said..just few cents..
        but wordpress ahpiness engineer tolf me hat if we target usa visitors then in us words are visible in very location..so it increases the chances of more impressions..
        anyway thanks for the info…u r such a nice human being..

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Hello Vonita;
    I want to thank you for your support of my site: “Through The Cracked Window,” over the last year. I appreciate that very much. That you can withstand my ramblings is simply amazing 🙂
    I sincerely wish you, and all those in your life, the most amazing upcoming year. Love and hugs…Stephen.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi. I enjoyed your poem. I’m a lover of poetry and am an inveterate collector of old poetry books when I find them. My favourites are the War Poets of the First, Second and Vetma,m wars which affected the combatant in so many different ways, vividly expressed in their poems.
    I don’t write poetry myself, I’m rubbish at it! I have published lots of short stories and feature articles so I guess that is where any talent I have lies..

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi, wonderful that you’ve published stories and articles! Thank you for enjoying my poem 😊 If you’d like to read my pdf I compiled, I will gladly email it to you xx it is amateur writing but written with a fair amount of passion for poetry!


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