Blue is the Warmest Color

The most painful words anyone who truly loves their partner can hear is that their partner’s love has died. That their partner may have a deep and lasting affection for them, but the love is gone.

And that is exactly what I heard in the French movie ‘Blue is the Warmest Color’. 

Over the duration of three hours I was drawn into the world of Adele and Emma. I witnessed the sexual awakening of Adele, where she realizes her attraction to *all things girl*, and In particular to blue-haired gap-toothed charismatic artist Emma. The love that develops between these two lovelies (and they really are!) pulled me in, and provided a front row seat to the agony and pleasure of same-sex relationships. (Perhaps too front row what with an extended seven-minute erotic scene which for this convent girl was slightly too out there, but okay. That’s just me). Where everything is simple, but also is not. And that love between two people is simply love. Irrespective of gender, there is a connection of souls, a meeting of mind and spirit.

My heart strings were pulled when sensing the pulling away of Emma from Adele (stoopid Lisa 😡). And how Adele self-sabotages in order to protect herself. A painful confrontation ensues, with the rejection of Adele in the harshest manner. And why did she have to take all the blame? 

The script is a showing of vulnerability, of love, of spirit, of commitment, and of heartbreak. It is life. In all it’s raw beauty and cruelty.

Leaving me with a strong desire to jump into the ending scene and make everything better. To kiss all the pain away. To bandaid the heart and wave a magic wand. 

Yup , there you have it, another love story that is not (looking at you LaLa Land and The Way We Were). 

And so it ends quite sadly with an Adele-in-warm-comforting-blue walking into the distance and away from me – the lowly viewer, at a time when I felt the need for comfort too.

3 thoughts on “Blue is the Warmest Color

  1. I just watched this film and I have to admit I didn’t see the self-sabotage for what it was until you pointed it out. I remember thinking “well, Emma was pulling away from here anyway,” but then again, they were both devastated when the end finally came. How ironic that the one, Emma, whose loved faded first, ended up being the one with righteous position, the one who was wronged and who could not live with the relationship any longer.

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