Blogger Recognition Award


Lovely Beth at Designer Sophisticate surprised me yesterday with this award. Beth’s blog was one of the first few I started reading when I started the Daily Prompts a year ago. The Daily Prompts were so helpful to me, and really helped me to write. There are so many wonderful writers I used to read on a daily basis, but I and a few others fell off the grid this year due to the repeat prompts that were being posted. I really miss the community feel and those I used to read daily. So when I was surprised by Beth yesterday, I felt that I would like to honor her nomination and participate in this award. I will be doing so on a no-obligation basis, but thought I would like to share the blogs I used to enjoy as part of the Daily Prompt, and please forgive me for leaving anyone off the list.

The Rules for the Blogger Recognition Award:

1. Select fifteen other blogs you want to give the award to (I will limit to ten)
2. You cannot nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you
3. Write a post to show your award
4. Give a brief story of how your blog started
5. Give a piece of advice or two to new bloggers
6. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
7. Attach the award to the post (right-click and save, then upload)
8. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them
9. Provide a link to the award post you created

My blog was created at the end of October 2013 for a few months (movingtowardsthelight), and then became dormant (because I didn’t know what or how to write). I revived it in September last year as a means of therapy. And I started doing the daily prompts every night. I would stay up until midnight for the daily prompt to be released (my time AEST), and then challenge myself to write something within half an hour so I could go to sleep. I did this religiously until the beginning of this year when WordPress started recycling the prompts. And since then I have been trying to prompt myself.

The advice I would give to new bloggers is to be authentic and true to yourself. Every person has their own unique voice, so allow that voice to be heard.

Here are a few blogs I started reading in September last year (in addition to Designer Sophisticate). Some of the blogs are award-free blogs, so I will be listing them here, and if the author would like to participate, please feel free to do so. (I took these from the grid today, a year from when I started reading they are still on the grid, it is so encouraging!)

Pepper Connection
Just Writing!
From Balderdash to Epiphany
The happy Quitter!
No Talent For Certainty
Flowers and Breezes
Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
Vexing Point

To all the wonderful WordPress writers, thank you for your help, encouragement and friendship in the past year!

16 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award

    1. Thank you Oscar! I’m always cautious of leaving people out, so thought I will list ten I’ve been reading for a year and are still on the daily prompt. (I’m going through the grid now and of course there are a few I’ve missed, but I capped at ten!) I would have listed yours too, but ain’t never seen you on the daily prompt grid LOL 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m ok with it, no hard feelings. You were one of the first blogs I started following a year ago on this incredible journey of mine on WordPress, which has been full of discovery and learning.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It’s nice that there have been new prompts in September, I’ve been missing the daily prompts. I’m all out of poetry so will try and do the daily prompts until I have inspiration again. It’s good to see all the familiar writers still writing!


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