26 thoughts on “Bliss

    1. Actually there were four, I added a one word bliss at the end and that counts for a sentence. It was a busy day and that is all
      I could muster 😀 I’m a poet and can write what I want, and if I say it is a poem, then it. is. a. poem.


      1. Jesus Christ, I just walked half a mile to get into a “locutorio” the place where ther ar phones and computers, since I have a pre paid card and no money to put at least 5 euros, but anywas thank you for making walk

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I did, that is why I walked quite a bit to call you from the “locutorio”, told you I have no money in the fucking prepaid phone card, so call me, I bet you 1000 euros you will…. maybe just 1 euro then, but I did make the efort to call you back, wich by the way it was doing this. …. pi pi pi pi, no You´re gonna call me? Take the step you´ll have fun trust me.

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      3. 34 630 57 34 11
        You know you´re gonna call, by the way this girl is screaming on my ear as I´m writing, she seems to say that I should live with her insted of being in my own place…. fuck that, yo gil a nuts, I do know you will call me.
        I´m just waiting for you australian person?
        You actually and really don´t have the balls to call me, I haven´t told you this but quite some people, men and women, have called me, actually more woman than man, but that is beside the point, you have what it takes to speek with crazy CHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarly!!!!
        wink wink

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      4. much better, you can pass me to your girlfriends or manfriends or…got an idea, i can be the shepron, i´ll take car of the kids. 3 hours at most but i can
        i bet that befor the end of the day you are going to call me,
        love ya

        Liked by 1 person

      5. I just got your message, by the way you are with people and at the same time you are with the internet….doesn´t make much sense, you really are scared to call me.
        Anyways….. i´m left alone as always…. still love ya though.
        Have a great day, and if you drink you might as well do a cheers for me

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