
I felt warmth between my thighs

And instinctively I knew 

Red blood spreading between my legs

Betraying the life forming within

I made it home just as the pain 

Began to tear my body apart 

Kneeling on the floor 

I prayed for death 

Each contraction causing me to 

Yell out in pain 

I cried for help

I called for help 

And when help finally arrived 

My baby was gone 

29 thoughts on “Miscarriage

  1. Oh, this was so sad! I did get comfort from a song awhile ago and the OB Gyn’s words. One mentioned I would recognize my baby someday (a group called the Greens sang “there’s a rocking chair in Heaven” and doctor suggested getting a first Christmas ornament. My kids now know two baby angels are their siblings a D they used to like taking turns with the ornaments. (Physical memento or angel statues are things my other friends have had to ease the pain.) Hugs for your past pain, Vonita.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I have three living children, Vonita. My first pregnancy and last died while in utero. I was four and a half months but the heartbeat and fluttering hadn’t happened yet. This may have been for the best since I had an IUD still inside so maybe the baby would have been deformed or had problems. It was very painful and had to have a D n C. The last one would have been only three months along, but went quickly and not quite as dramatic in loss. Thank you for asking. I was told the first was a girl and the last a boy. I feel stupid but didn’t ask to take and bury or anything. I was married both times and my exes only came for short time at hospital. First one, I stayed overnight with an IV drip. Probably to prevent cramping after the D n C. (?) Last one, my friend stayed with my kids and my Mom took me home a few hours later. You can delete this kind of messy story if it is too detailed. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Not too detailed, Robin, thanks for sharing. I think mine was too soon to say, the doctor didn’t tell me if girl or boy, I was not excited about the pregnancy in fact I was filled with dread, so in a way perhaps my body knew there was something not right, and I felt very relieved after the d n c. At then just a few months later when I fell pregnant with my son, I was very excited then when it happened, so I can fully relate to concerns over deformity. Lots of love to you ❤❤❤

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Your son’s birth was indeed a beautiful and happy occasion! ❤ It was good to have someone who understood the past occurrences yet knew the joys. I feel bad for women who may never be able to carry their own, but do know adopted babies or children are extra special, too. xo

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Yes, if you have not seen the movie Lion perhaps you will enjoy it x it shows very beautifully the love for adopted children x


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