10 thoughts on “Green Grass

  1. ere you tread with care
    my tears mimicking spring time dew
    my contagious love

    verdant the grass
    like new lovers hearts
    green till loves revealed

    fire fades flames dying
    yet my heart burns true desire
    craving for true love

    past days nigh my life
    all devoted my last breath
    love for you alone

    fear not loves trials
    time tested love prevails
    making love heals wounds

    a blade of grass
    sustaining life for many
    natures heart beating

    Vonita your poem says all
    opened up your heart

    unlocked vaulted words
    secrets my hearts concealed
    revealed my deepest thoughts

    see what words can do
    i’ve wrote this senryu reply
    haiku too my thanks

    Thanks for your inspiring poem, i will be posting all on my blog, look out for a pingback. Take care,


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