I Love Orange!


Orange for nature and for light
Show some style and there is life
Butterflies and trees
And pins for victory
And to form a theme, simplicity
To tie it all together
Orange for Passion
And some books for Poetry!

Images from Pinterest: Passion through Poetry MoodBoard here


48 thoughts on “I Love Orange!

  1. *Blessings Passion Through Poetry! P.S. Orange is my favorite color!!! *

    *…missionzera* celebrated a one month birthday yesterday! The site has a brand new look, fresh focus. Please stop by!

    In the process of customizing the WordPress site, all followers and comments were lost. I knew this would happen ahead of time and wanted to find a way to contact anyone who followed or commented in the first month of lauching *missionzera. *

    If you are receiving this email it is because you have either followed or commented on the site.

    To *missionzera* followers, I hope that you would follow … *once again. *

    *Many blessings to you! *

    *missionzera blessings, *

    *Brook Joy*

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Vonita!
    Wow, what a gallery! I have to say, orange is my absolute favourite colour of all time! Thanks for visiting my blog and liking! I am a proud Aussie too and I love your poetry!


  3. Your poem and photos of orange are so cheerful! Alaska is extremely deficient in orange unless orange flowers are planted – I have my seeds (marigolds, coreopsis, cosmos) and am ready to start! In Mexico, where I live half of my time, orange is everywhere including the colors of houses. It’s wonderful!
    Thanks a lot for following my blog, I hope to post interesting topics.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow I love this so much! I don’t know many people that love orange like me! My girl and I wear a lot of orange. Most people think I love pink because my friend Jeanne Marie asked me to lend some of my pink to a pink blog and I did but orange is where my heart is. LOL I so so so so love knowing this about you! AWE! Your posts are so sweet and wonderful! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I will have to write another orange post for our orange love heart! But, I have to wait for it to appear, I can’t think it up! It will eventually just pop into my head and then I will post it!


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